How the Cosmos Works


The cosmos is finite, but the universe in which our cosmos resides is infinite.

The cosmos is a finite, orderly, and tangible system created by God, at the instant of what is commonly referred to as the "Big Bang". Who knows? There may be an infinite number of cosmoses in the universe. Since God is infinite, the number of his material creations may also be infinite. The cosmos we live in, however, is composed of a finite total mass, made up of an infinite number of particles decreasing in size until the smallest becomes infinitely small in mass. At some point these particles are too small to be measured. It is understandable why we mistakenly see these moving particles as something altogether different than matter, namely, "energy" or "dark energy" or cosmic rays or heat energy. Actually, energy is nothing more than particles of matter in motion.

It is in the Spirit of God that we live and move and have our being. (Acts 17: 28) However, there will never be a scientific proof for the existence of God, or for his having created the cosmos. If the cosmos is part of something bigger, then distances between cosmoses, in the universe, would be too great for us to physically explore, so this question will never be answered by use of the scientific process either. In this natural state, as mere biological human beings, we will never acquire the ability, through science, to observe another big bang or travel to another cosmos. However, there are some incredible events that we can be reasonably sure of predicting through our present scientific way of thinking. One such event is the coming destruction of our planet. Another is the death of our sun. Both these events are easily ascertained within the present scientific paradigm. However, there are other phenomena which science has the ability to understand but cannot understand by using the present paradigm (way of thinking).

The following cosmic question is just one example of what I am talking about. The question is this. How does gravity really work? In recent years, we have collected enough scientific evidence to measure the force exerted by gravity almost everywhere but today's scientific community has absolutely no understanding of how gravity really works and we will never be able to understand how gravity works without a major paradigm shift in scientific thinking about how everything in our cosmos works. If not in my lifetime, this paradigm shift will eventually come. When it does, it will change the way we look at the building blocks of our cosmos. With that shift in the way we visualize how matter interacts with itself, we will be able to then understand how gravity works,  as well as to find answers for other questions, which elude us today.

I choose to try to seek all the answers to every question through the understanding given to me by God's Holy Spirit keeping in mind this one fact. God approaches all truth from an all knowing position. Science deals with only material facts, starting from a point of total ignorance. Using the scientific method, we test one seeming plausible hypothesis after another, until we gather enough data for making plausible assertions. As these assertions (hypotheses) withstand the test of time, they become more accepted as fact, with each piece of actionable assertion building on the last. There is a lot of trail and error involved. Over time, this body of knowledge takes on the aura of truth and becomes generally accepted as rock solid scientific facts. This often leads to numerous practical solutions which seemingly make everyday life better. (The invention of the airplane, cars) This gives the impression that we know more than we really do about the bigger picture. At the same time this body of seemingly iron clad facts will always clash with God's absolute truth at some point, but God's truth remains the same. Our scientific approach to truth changes. It always suffers breakdowns. God's word is rooted in absolute truth and will never fail the test of time. It will never change. However, mankind's perceptions of reality is forever changing. One example for what I am saying here is the relativity of time. At one point, our body of scientific knowledge led us to believe that time progressed at the same rate throughout the universe. Upon collecting more data, we now believe that to be false. There was a general scientific breakdown, concerning this subject. Then came the ability to collect more data (Atomic clocks on satellites in space, for one) which ushered in an epiphany. With that epiphany, came a paradigm shift. The shift in our thinking about time is just one example of how mankind accumulates scientific knowledge. It is a process which often looses its way and must backtrack. It is always imperfect knowledge acquired over a long period of time. It's not instantaneous. Unlike the bible, science cannot prove whether God exists or whether God doesn't exist. Science can only observe material phenomena and God is an eternal Spirit. Also, our science follows the ebbs and flows of collective human thought, no matter how rational or irrational that collective thought is at any one point in time. For a long time smart people thought the earth was flat. I have said all this to say this. To be able to accept what I am getting ready to say, that collective thought must go through a major paradigm shift. However, I do believe that will happen, though not in my lifetime. I also believe that I am making a very feeble attempt here to express a very profound truth, which was given to me by The Holy Spirit. 

Having finished what I believe is this necessary preamble to my discussion of the main topic on how the universe works, lets now look at what the evidence is saying, strictly from a scientific standpoint. It is impossible to do this without letting go of some previous ways of thinking. In other words, forget the books we have read, forget the answers we have parroted back to our teacher in order to pass the test. Instead, Let's just look at the evidence for what I am saying. We can use Google as our fact finder. Simply let the preponderance of recently discovered evidence draw its own image in our minds and completely erase the old preconceived ideas programmed into our mind from a variety of sources. In short, we must let our mind experience a paradigm shift. We can facilitate this by reading a sentence I have written and then asking the following question. Is there evidence that supports what he is saying here? Does it make sense? If not, email me and give me your evidence to the contrary. 

Recent scientific data all points to the conclusion that the material foundation supporting the changing structure of the entire cosmos really is much easier to understand than present scientific thought is willing or able to accept. The voice of the evidence is deafening. However, no one seems to be listening. This always happens just before a paradigm shift takes place. What I am about to say is radically different, yet totally understandable by means of human reasoning alone although I do believe the truth of what I am trying to say here has been masked by an extremely evil force gone out into the world to deceive all mankind. To date, I have found no one who is willing to logically refute anything I am saying here.

The foundation of the next great paradigm shift in scientific thinking is the realization of the following. All material substance including what we call energy has mass, since it is affected by gravity. Therefore energy is nothing more than varying sizes of sub atomic particles of matter in motion.

How can I make a statement like this with such certainty? Here is how. The gravity produced by black holes attracts everything including all forms of what we now call energy. Therefore, what we previously considered to be a completely different phenomenon than matter has now been observed to exhibit the very same major characteristic which defines all matter. That characteristic is gravitational attraction to other masses in space. We also know that everything called energy is moving. With these two observations, is it out of the realm of logical thinking to purpose that anything attracted by gravity has mass and therefore that which has mass is matter? Would it not also be logical to conclude that so called energy releases are nothing more than very tiny subatomic particles of matter in motion? If this is true, then every material phenomenon in the entire cosmos should become a proof or disproof of what I am hypothesizing here. Follow me down this road, with this thought in mind, and let's see where it leads.

Is it too preposterous to suppose that all particles are composed of smaller particles, which become so small, that they become unrecognizable as matter? If this is true, it would be very easy for science to label them as something totally different, such as light, or gamma rays, weak force, gravity, magnetic force, or maybe dark matter or dark energy. Yet, they could be nothing more than extremely small, and thus hard to detect particles of matter in motion. This very small particle theory, if true, could form the basis for a universal understanding of everything. It could explain how every observable phenomenon, in our cosmos, works. Ideas like dark matter, dark energy, anti matter, gravity, nuclear force, time, the speed limit of light and the formation of planets, stars, galaxies could possibly all be explained by this one universal theory.

All matter in our cosmos is now expanding outward, from a point of singularity and is propelled by an scientifically unknowable originating force, in all directions, from that point of singularity. This matter interacts with itself by following one of only three rules.

1. A particle or body in motion collides with another particle or body of matter in its path, which has a certain range of mass to its own mass.

2. A particle, or body in motion, continues in one direction, from its initial point of creation (singularity), on a trajectory influenced, to some degree, by every other particle created at that point of singularity (butterfly effect), following a path of least resistance. (Hawkins is correct in his determination that the initial big bang was not uniform in particle distribution. (If it where, I wouldn't be here and neither would you.)

3. A particle or body in motion enters into an orbit, with other particles or bodies, of a certain range in mass, trajectory and velocity to itself. 

Motion is stored in orbital states and so-called energy releases are caused by collisions which disrupt these peaceful orbits.

Two events are taking place at the same time within all bodies of matter in the cosmos. First, as a body in space is bombarded by very tiny subatomic particles, some particles (some so tiny they can't be detected) enter into orbits following rule 3. Others collide with particles in their path as they travel through this body in space causing other peaceful orbital states of particles within this body to be disrupted. Some of these very tiny disrupted particles are hurled out of their orbits and into the space outside the larger body in which they have resided, where their motion has been passively controlled, by their orbits. When this is done on a observable scale, it is usually referred to, as some type of "energy" release. 

This very small particle concept is the key to understanding how gravity works.

Seemingly discrete bodies in space are measurably and mutually attracted by a vague term we call gravity. (However, there are an infinite number of particles in our cosmos which are too small to be detected) Understanding this small particle concept, allows us to explain why the third rule of matter interaction, which is the tendency of bodies of matter to enter into orbits, is the key to understanding how gravity works. Particles, which are much smaller in mass than those in a cloud of electrons, continually escape a body and travel into the space beyond. As they travel outward, they obey one of the three rules already mentioned. Orbital opportunities are found, by some of these very tiny particles, as they enter into the interior of other much more massive bodies relative to them. With each new orbit created, a slight void is also created, which allows other particles to fall toward that void thus following a path of least resistance, and on and on it goes, creating the effect we call gravity. These very small particles escape a more massive body in space at a rate which is inversely proportional to the mass of that body. As these very small particles leave a body in space and then enter into and travel through another body in space, they do one of three things. They either miss other particles comprising the much more massive body as they travel through it, or they collide with other particles in that body or they enter into orbits around other particles inside that body. A relatively greater void is created by a more massive body in space, since it's greater mass provides more orbiting opportunities. It also does not allow its own particles to escape it's borders at as fast a rate as those escaping from a less massive body. The greater the difference in mass between two bodies in space, the greater the range of trajectory and velocity can be, and still have a successful orbit established. When the relative velocities and trajectories of the two bodies are within the proper range, then the smaller body will enter into an orbit around the larger. This interaction between two bodies in space happens on an infinitely smaller and smaller scale, where the gain or loss of mass to either body is too small to be measured. The orbiting phenomenon of particles allows matter to compress more efficiently in less space. However, there are fewer orbiting opportunities for these very small sub atomic particles, than there are collisions, until the larger mass approaches the density of a black hole. Never the less, there are still enough orbiting opportunities being created to continually cause a relative void to form in the direction of the larger body, which causes the smaller body to continually fall toward the larger body causing it to orbit around the larger body of a certain range in mass to itself. As I have said before, this happens on an infinite scale. Alignment of the molecules and atoms in a body can amplify this effect, (magnetic force) such as that seen in a steel magnet, but the principle is the same. This basic principle explains orbiting planets, stars, and also provides a basic understanding of how electromagnetism and nuclear bounding in the nucleus of atoms works. 

This phenomenon creates a relative weak force in matter, when dealing with masses up to the size of planets and stars. At these masses, there are many more opportunities for collisions, than for orbiting. These collisions are what eventually activate self sustaining nuclear chain reactions in bodies compressed by gravity into the critical mass necessary to create a star. At the same time, continual creation of orbital states (gravity) holds the star together, while the overwhelming number of collisions, happening at the same time, set it ablaze, igniting what science calls a self sustaining nuclear reaction, where very small particles are hurled back into space, in different forms of  so called radiation. (I do not have the mathematical calculations to prove what I am saying here, but perhaps some one out there can take on this task). Bodies in space the size of planets do not have the critical mass to ignite a nuclear reaction. Stars do.

Black holes are good examples of bodies, massive enough, to provide many more orbiting opportunities, relative to collisions.

Black holes provide such a large number of orbiting opportunities, relative to collisions, that the vacuum created between a black hole and any mass entering into its event horizon sucks apart everything down to the particle mass size of the building blocks of the black hole itself. This certainly changes the structure of matter beyond anything recognizable by us humans at this time. This restructuring includes an element's electron clouds, its protons, its neutrons and all "so called" energy emissions associated with the element. For example, as a bar of gold enters the event horizon, orbital states within its entire structure are ripped apart down to the mass of the fundamental building blocks of the black hole itself and then quickly assimilated into new orbits provided by the overwhelming number of new orbiting opportunities of the black hole. 

Outside the event horizon, matter is drawn, by the law of orbits toward the relative vacuum, created by a black hole, compressing matter into smaller and smaller spaces. However, orbiting opportunities are not found in the massive quantity of those located in the interior of a black hole. Collisions happen much more predominately. Nevertheless, enough orbital opportunities are found to cause matter to congeal into the observable phenomena of nebula, planets, stars and galaxies. Particle collisions in stars provide enough force in their collisions to allow the smashed particles to escape in the form of what science calls heat, light, x rays, gamma rays, etc. At the same time, stars are held together by the force created by the law of orbits. (gravity) Stars happen when matter accumulates enough mass to produce enough collisions to cause a nuclear chain reaction. However, stars are not massive enough to produce enough orbital opportunities to quench that same nuclear reaction, as does a black hole. Common sense tells us that all matter in the cosmos will eventually be incorporated into black holes. Eventually, all black holes will come together and lastly all orbital motion will wind down. Because of its enormous density, and thus its tremendous number of orbiting opportunities as a result, black holes cause all matter in the cosmos to fall toward the void they create. If there was only one black hole in the entire cosmos then all matter in the entire cosmos would start moving toward it. In this way, a black hole concentrates matter into a smaller and smaller space thus creating all the observable phenomena we are able to observe in the cosmos. Black holes create galaxies. So, yes there is a black hole at the center of every galaxy. I wish I could do a better job of explaining this. Perhaps at some point in the future, some one will be born with enough common sense, and lack of herd mentality, to do a better job. Maybe it will be one of my great, great Grandchildren.

Chemical versus Atomic Reactions

Particle collisions create everything man calls energy from the fire burning in a fire place, to atomic reactions. When compounds are bombarded by enough of these very small undetectable sub atomic particles, to create self sustaining collisions, within the electron clouds, we have a chemical reaction. Peaceful orbital bounds between electron clouds are broken, and the chemical compound breaks up into more elemental compounds and elements, as the reaction continues. Chemical reaction become self sustaining, when enough collisions (critical mass) happen between the disturbed atomic particles in the clouds of electrons. Collisions created during the breakup of peaceful orbital states, among electron clouds are not massive enough to override the comparably overwhelming number of orbital states in the much larger mass of the nucleus of an atom. for this reason, in chemical reactions the fundamental nature of elements is not altered but that of compounds is. In a chemical reaction, nuclear bounds between protons and neutrons understandably remain in place. Again, the reason for this is because more massive nuclear bounds have many more orbital opportunities, which continues to hold the protons and neutrons together because the electrons are not massive enough to generate enough collision events to disturb the nucleus of an atom. However, both chemical and atomic reactions can be explained by what I like to call the law of orbits. A nuclear reaction simply requires much greater collision force to be exerted on the nuclei of atoms in order to break up the greater numbers of orbital states, which hold the nucleus together. However, the principle is the same for both phenomena. Once enough peaceful orbital states are destroyed, by bombarding the nucleus of atoms with enough force, a self sustaining atomic reaction will occur as more and more orbiting particles are turned into missiles, which collide on a scale large enough to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. Once it becomes self sustaining, there are many more orbital states to be turned into collisions, which release the much greater force observed in a nuclear reaction, compared to that in a chemical reaction. 

The law of orbits basically explains two major characteristics of matter.

The first characteristic it explains is the tendency of matter to congeal into larger and larger masses in space through the vacuum created by particles entering into orbital states. The second characteristic, which it explains, is the ability of matter to enter into self sustaining exothermic chemical or nuclear reactions, when a body is bombarded by a sufficient number of particles, of a certain range in mass, to the mass being bombarded so that peaceful orbits are disturbed.

The theory of the law of orbits is the unifying explanation for how everything in the universe works

This is a universal law that many scientists have spent their lives trying to discover. I believe the Holy Spirit quickened this information to my mind. I am a layman and have only one reason for publishing this information on the web. If it is true, I want God to get the credit for it. If it is false, then it is a product of my faulty imagination. I have no scientific reputation to protect. As a matter of fact, I welcome input from anyone, who is able to prove these ideas to be false. This information has been posted on the web and Facebook for well over five years now, and I have not had a single response. I find that very strange, don't you?

The mechanical theories I am purposing here for the behavior of all matter in the cosmos also explains why time slows down as a body speeds up.

Briefly put, every seemingly discreet particle of matter is composed of smaller and smaller particles. As a particle travels through space, it is constantly merging with much smaller particles, compared to its own mass. Some of these undetectably small particles pass on through the larger mass. Some collide with other particles and some find orbits. Although this happens on a scale too small to be measured, the event still exerts drag on this much larger body, caused by these much smaller particles, as they pass through it. The faster that body travels, the greater the drag on orbital states within the entire matrix, thus slowing down orbital states. It is the relative speed of orbiting particles within a body in space which governs the passing of time. When the speed at which particles orbit another particle slows, than time slows, and vice versa. Also, the more massive a body is, the more slowing effect tiny particles within a mass have on each other, which also slows time. Thus, the internal clock of a body in space is set by the slowing down or speeding up of orbiting particles within its matrix. Today's general understanding is that time is a separate dimension unto itself, when in reality it is a function of velocity and/or mass in the way I have just described.

Short definition of gravity:
Gravity is the resulting force created, as an infinite number of smaller and smaller masses enter into orbits with an infinite number of larger masses in space. This allows matter to become compacted into smaller and more dense proximity. At the same time, it creates a relative void in space, which causes the less massive of two bodies in space, to continually fall toward the more massive body. 

Written by: Wayne Wade
Seabrook, TX. 77586

P. S.
I really struggle to convey what I am visualizing here, especially, where the edge of our cosmos borders the emptiness of space beyond. (The cosmos is an expanding sphere and all particles discussed here are spheres so small that they cannot be measured.)  The emptiness of space, beyond the cosmos, is a much more perfect vacuum (absence of matter), than any given space of equal volume within the cosmos. (We know it is not a perfect vacuum, because our cosmos resides in it. To be a perfect vacuum, space would have to be devoid of all matter.) Particles do flow from points of higher pressure to points of lower pressure, which seems to confirm the Steven Hawking belief, that the cosmos will eventually fly apart. However, if this were true, then why does matter from the "Big Bang" continually congeal into planets, stars and black holes, in the first place? No, this assumption, that the cosmos is flying apart, is not supported by the evidence.

Here is what I believe happens. At the very edge of the cosmos, matter is propelled, by the momentum of the "Big Bang" into more and more empty space beyond. At the same time, several other things are taking place. Number one, these infinitesimally small particles are themselves the parent particles of even more infinitesimally small particles, which escape them traveling outward in all directions. (as I have previously explained) Those particles, which escape from the side of the parent sphere facing the emptiness of space, do continue traveling outward, into the emptiness of space and away from their parent particle. However, they have nothing but the momentum of the initial "Big Bang" to propel them. those emitted particles emitted from the inward side of the parent sphere are continually merging with a much richer field of particles, traveling outward from the point of singularity (initial explosion). (I can visualize this, but I struggle to put it into words) Particles traveling outward from the parent particle on the side with nothing but empty space beyond have nothing to latch on to, so to speak. However, particles weathering off the parent particle on the interior side, are continually coming in contact with other particles and forming more and more orbital states. At some point, the vacuum created by the continual formation of these orbital states on the interior side of the parent particle (and the lack of them on the outgoing side) will become so great, that it will overcome the outward momentum created, during the initial "Big Bang". This will cause the entire cosmos to slow its expansion and then start collapsing. Simply put, matter will eventually fold up. (Hbr. 1: 10-12) 

Other Interesting Facts

If the cosmos where half as massive, light would travel twice as fast.

It is theoretically possible to travel faster than the speed of light by harnessing the power of a black hole on the front of a space craft which could suck in enough of these extremely small particles, to cause the vehicle to fall forward into the vacuum which that would create. Traveling faster than the speed of light would obviously do crazy things to time. It would slow way down.

Wayne Wade
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